🧠 A hidden 4th type of meninges (Breakthrough)

🧠 A hidden 4th type of meninges (Breakthrough)


An 80 year old grandad found a hidden 4th type of meniges.

What a great headline!! Exciting as well!! Not only is the headline great - the brain research behind it seems like a completely new and rigours way to look at the brain.

Our brains are usually protected by three known protective layers - the dura, arachnoid, and pia mater. However, researchers have recently identified a fourth layer called the subarachnoid lymphatic-like membrane (SLYM) [1].

This new membrane does an important job of keeping harmful substances from entering the brain while also acting as a barrier for larger molecules. It is also home to many immune cells which can help protect against infection and age-related diseases.

The SLYM helps to form a secure connection between the cerebrospinal fluid and blood vessels which allows small solutes to safely pass through.

The discovery of this extra layer has opened up our understanding of how our brains are protected; it is an important breakthrough in terms of developing new treatments for Alzheimer's disease and certain types of cancer, as well as providing further insight into fluid transport within the central nervous system.

The new discovery, which may be an unknown meninge, lies between the three already known meninges. (Images: Peter Kusk and Virginia Pla, Science, 2023) from https://videnskab.dk/krop-sundhed/sit-livs-opdagelse-80-aarig-dansk-forsker-goer-uventet-fund-i-menneskehjernen


[1] https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adc8810