🌍 Entrepreneurship

🌍 Entrepreneurship

Notice: this page is still a draft and have work in progress. If there are any misunderstandings please reach out.

This page presents a collection of videos and articles, detailing my experiences with entrepreneurship while doing a parallel PhD project in the intersection between photonics and neuroscience.

I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can help others find success on their own entrepreneurial paths and some kind of happiness around doing awesome and exciting science.

Life is too short not to have fun around nerdy science.

My background

Ever since my mother first introduced me to the inspiring work of Dalai Lama and Elon Musk on tackling global challenges, I have been motivated to follow their work and find out what is true and what is not. Not only what is true about their work but also their character. I'm no DD or EM, but a simple human being.

Yet, I find motivation around the goal to create stuff and solve complex issues, not just for the benefit of society but also to generate joy and appreciation between people.

With Elon's relentless aspiration and motivation to motive others to tackle hard problems, and Dalai Lama's compassion, my mother provided a great example of how these two seemingly contrasting approaches can effectively be combined.

I'm still not there on how to effectively combine them - and still trying.

Maybe this task is impossible. I honestly don't know.

Some "groundedness" in reality is also needed.

However, enjoying the curiosity of life, spreading love, and working hard is a thing I try to do.
Sometimes I fail. I hope it is, generally, not bad to look up to people? As long as it doesn't blind me for what is really true - is my guess.

2017: One year before OC was founded

Student life is not always easy. Yet, it is 100% worth if weighting it up against all the exciting research and variety of things that exists in a university environment.

In May 2017, during my graduate studies in physics, I was looking for a project to do in the summer holidays - had to have something to do - such that I didn't spend the whole summer playing computer games. Talking about structuring the context to compensate for ones weaknesses. This is one of first learnings about how to handle addiction.

2018: OC was founded

Calling friends and family for support.

2019: One year after OC was founded

A snapshot on Youtube of our TV2 Lorry 5-episode series about entrepreneurship. It has been an absolute honor and privilege to feature our work in Optoceutics. This series is an unique chance to follow along with our daily life in Optoceutics back when we started, when everything was chaotic, new and we were just learning with the beginners mindset.
Young, huge aspirations and very naive for what has to come in terms of amount of work - thanks to DTC and DTU for helping startups out in the initial stages of incorporations. We are very grateful, and they still, today, support a wide range of young entrepreneurs.

2020: Two year after OC was founded